Wednesday 13 March 2013

Tridoshic Prakrities-characters

You must have observed sometimes..that your Dad, mother and your  sister and you yourself, all have different natures, different tendencies, and different responses towards a same situation.
You hardly suffer from cold and your sister usually does. Temper of your father is high and yours one is low .Your mother loves to stay in cold and your father prefers hot environment.Your father puts in little efforts and lose weight quickly,but your mom tries so hard,but dont get results so fast.You have a good appetite and eats much more than your sister,but dont put on weight,but your sister puts on weight so easily even when she eats too less. 
There are too many differences that list will be too long to discuss. This is not only with you and me. Every family is having same different characters with it. You all stay in same environment and eat same foods!! Then why these differences are there? Answer lies in the concept of Prakruti/Bodytype.

Tri-Doshic Prakruti

One person has a tendency to use minimum of energy. She tends to store it. Irritation on different stimuli can cause energy consumption and will result in nothing. This means,she is just cool, calm, and smooth like Kapha. She needs a food that can just fulfill her energy requirement. Even few bucks of extra energies will lead her to blockage in her arteries, dump body, diabetes, over weight and many more bad conditions. If we talk about physical aspects,broad structure,she has a thick,moist,cool skin;strong,white teeth,bright-big eyes,soft-white nails,minimal thirst and appetite,dense-moist-wavy hair,likes sleeping and has dense sleep too.She has a good stamina,grasps things slowly but retains for long.Manges her expenses in a planned way.Temperament calm and slow,moods dont change quickly.She has entrepreneurial skills.She is typically kaphaj in nature.

Another person needs more energy to expend.He has a Pitta constitution. He is sharp enough,has good appetite,good thirst,warm and oily skin,even-yellowish teeth,soft-oily hair,enjoys sound sleep.He is more determined but has loose temperament,intelligent,agitated moods,aggresive and clever mind.Has interests in politics or sports. He will have to be controlled by cool and calm food i.e. what is harmful for first person will be useful for second one. And he is just like a bike of low average and good pick up. His anger should be cooled by special Yogic exercises.

Last one (3rd person)needs the extra energy as she wastes too much in minimum works.She is Vata in nature. She can't stand at a place if she is not offered few bucks for this purpose. Most of the time she is restless.She is always in hurry. Grasps things quickly,but forgets even more quickly,has dark-dry-thin hair,disturbed sleep,dry-rough-cool skin,protuding-uneven teeth,sometimes nervous,swinging moods ,creative at work,spends
lavishly,quite anxious. She needs to be tackled by a mixture of diet and routine of above two. Less food will lead her to deficiencies and extra will lead her to a fatty body.

Besides these three body types there are also the body types which have the traits of two of these. So seven Doshic Prakrutis are:
  1. Vata Prakruti
  2. Pitta Prakruti
  3. Kapha Prakruti
  4. Vata-Pitta Prakruti
  5. Pitta-Kapha Prakruti
  6. Kapha-Vata Prakruti
  7. Vata-Pitta-Kapha Prakruti

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